About Us

About Us

Step up your projects with Optima

Join us in a bright future of engineering excellence and innovation.

Optima Construction and Engineering Design is a leading company in the field of engineering services, providing high-quality solutions for various projects in the industrial, commercial, and residential sectors. Our mission is to deliver innovative, efficient, and sustainable engineering solutions that meet the needs and expectations of our clients. Our vision is to be the preferred partner for engineering services in the region, offering excellence, reliability, and professionalism. Our values are integrity, quality, safety, and customer satisfaction. We have a team of experienced and qualified engineers, technicians, and workers who are committed to delivering the best results

values ​​and principles

Safety: Prioritize the safety and well-being of employees, customers and the public by adhering to the highest safety standards and implementing robust safety protocols. Professionalism: Commitment to a high level of professionalism, including effective communication, respecting deadlines, and maintaining a positive reputation in the industry. Continuous Learning: Encouraging a culture of continuous learning and professional development among employees, and staying up to date on the latest standards, technologies and best practices in the industry.

The company's vision

“To become a leading provider of innovative MEP solutions, transforming the way buildings are designed, constructed and operated, while contributing to a sustainable future.”

Mission statement

“Our mission is to provide exceptional MEP engineering services that improve building performance, enhance user comfort and safety, and contribute to the sustainable development of the built environment. We achieve this by leveraging our technical expertise, forming collaborative partnerships, and using advanced technology.”


Building the future, restoring the past

Optima: The ultimate choice for construction and engineering

We Follow Best Practices

The team is encouraged to think outside the box and use new concepts and innovative solutions to achieve excellence.

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